Monday, July 28, 2008

Toy Breed?

Umm....I think we have acquired a giant yorkie!

I don't know how much he weighs, but he is getting awfully tall!

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Angie said...

I just found your blog today...LOVE your dogs! I have one question. Obviously your other dogs are big and Kirby is little....have you had any issues with your bigger dogs being too rough with him? I have an 8 month bernese mountain dog and a 2 month same breed. My 8 month old just wants to play play play and will pounce on the puppy, pinning him down and also, when he's lying down, my girl will pounce on biggest concern is that she will hurt him because he's so little...just 9.9 lbs. Any advice would be much appreciated!!!

Deanna Heaslet said...

Jane and Daisy are really good with small dogs. They seem to respect their size and adjust their play accordingly.

When I think they are being too rough, I correct them and they completely respond to that.

Kirby has a small plastic crate and a larger wire crate that the big dogs are not allowed to touch. If he wants to be alone, he knows he can go there.

I would always supervise the play and provide a safe place for the puppy to escape to if he wants to be alone.

Angie said...

Thanks for the advice...I get it just takes time & patience!

Deanna Heaslet said...

From the little bit that I saw on the video on your blog, you will probably end up protecting your big puppy from the little one! :)

The little ones just never stop!

And from the advice I have heard, the little one will scream out if the big dog gets to rough. So if you don't hear the squeals, it is probably all in fun.